The One Year Devotions with Jesus


Jesus Christ is the most famous—and often, most misunderstood—person in history. But who actually was he? Was he simply a good man or a moral teacher? An ancient philosopher with long, brown hair, sandals and a dusty robe? A religious revolutionary? It’s a vitally important question. God’s Word says that people’s belief about Jesus’ true identity will determine their eternal fate.

The One Year Devotions with Jesus is dedicated to helping pre-teens and teens know exactly who Jesus is and how to draw closer to him. All 365 devotions bear his name. Featuring a range of age-appropriate topics, from practical life lessons that Jesus taught to the essential theological truths of his character and deity, this devotional will take readers through the entire Bible, encouraging youth to devote their lives to the eternal, all-powerful Son of God whose sacrificial death and resurrection provides salvation to all who believe.

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